Can I have a refund?

Our refund policy

Card Refunds

We have a no refund policy.

You may cancel your subscription of the server for the current billing period after logging into the user dashboard. When you subscribe to a server, you will only be charged for the plan you use at the billing frequency you choose. You will not be charged for any bandwidth of the server (unless said user has abused our network).

Refunds are only given out at our discretion.

If we have deemed it necessary or was caused by an issue on our end then it will be promptly issued, which should reflect on your card within 3-5 days.

What if I changed my mind and want to cancel for a refund?

If allowed by an admin under extreme circumstances, admins reserve the right to charge you an administrative restocking fee of 5.00% of the order total, alongside with a debit/credit card processing fee of (2.9-3.9% + $0.30) before you are given a full or prorated refund (determined by the administrators). Service fees will be calculated using the full payment of the service before the prorated refund is applied.

How are prorated refunds calculated?

Prorated refunds are calculated by how many days you have used of the service.

Example Listed Below

Server Cost = 88USD/month

Used Days: 10 days

Unused Days: 21 days

Total Days: 31 Days

(Cost / Total Days) * Unused Days = Prorated Refund Amount (Excluding fees).

(Cost / Total Days) * Used Days = Current Cost of Usage

Example: (88 / 31) * 10 = 28.38USD

Crypto Refunds

We do not offer refunds on orders where the customer paid using crypto.

Last updated